What does it all cost?

What does it all cost?

What does it all cost?

The Club has a one-off joining fee of £60 and additionally there is an annual subscription charge. At present, the Club’s full annual subscription fee is £60 although the full fee is not payable if you join part-way through the year. Members who leave and subsequently re-join are not asked to pay another joining fee.

The Club’s subscription year starts on 1st February. New members who join the Club after 30th April are charged their subscription at the following reduced rates: May and June £50, July and August £40, September and October £30, November and December £20. There is no subscription charge for a new member who joins the Club during a January.

So, in a nutshell, a full golf club membership and an official internationally recognised handicap for no more than £120 – something of a bargain!!

For the payment of the Club’s fees we have two arrangements in operation: the ‘standard Club membership’ and ‘Glendale Golf’s Loyaltee Plan referral’. The membership charge is the same for both but the method of payment is different. The details are as follows:

A new Club member who joins us on a ‘standard Club membership’ basis will be expected to pay the Club according to the fee charges that are outlined above.

The ‘referral’ arrangement applies to new members who are referred to us by Glendale Golf and have subscribed for either the 5-day or 7-day Glendale Annual Loyaltee Plan (but not the monthly Glendale Loyaltee Plan). These Annual Loyaltee Plan members have a contribution towards their Club membership charges paid directly by Glendale Golf to RPGC, and no extra individual payment is required. Glendale Golf’s Annual Loyaltee Plan operates on a 12-month basis and members who join RPGC through this arrangement have a Club membership that coincides with the duration of their Loyaltee Plan membership.

For all the Club’s ‘standard members’ who have paid their Club fees and have also paid for Glendale’s Annual Plan, the Club receives the same contribution from Glendale Golf and these receipts are paid over to the individual members.

Unless a Club member has subscribed for either the ‘annual’ or ‘monthly’ 5-day or 7-day Glendale Loyaltee Plan (which qualifies them for ‘unlimited golf’ during the term of the card), it follows that each time a member plays with the Club, a green fee is payable to Glendale Golf at the going rate, although Club members qualify for a 5% discount on the full green fee rate, when playing in competitions.